A distillery visit and review: Wyoming Whiskey

Kirby, WY. From one end to the other.

I really wasn’t sure what to expect as the van I was driving crested the hill that gave me my first view of Kirby, Wyoming. I had read it was a small town. But even for a guy who spent a good portion of his childhood in a town with no population listed on the sign, Kirby was small. Off in the distance we saw one tall building. “A grain elevator?” I asked my wife.

Kirby, Wyoming is a village with a population just south of 100 people. It’s four block by five block area split in half by the railroad line that runs through the center of town. The roads are gravel. The houses are few. The nearest population center with over 50,000 people is Casper, WY, two and a half hours to the southeast. This is not the type of place that you would expect would be the home of a product that sits on store shelves in roughly half the country.

When I pulled into the parking lot in front of that one tall building (a distillery it turns out, not a grain elevator), I asked Samuel Mead, distiller at Wyoming Whiskey, why Kirby? The answer was simple: his family had a ranch there. It seems that that ranch was what allowed Wyoming Whiskey to go about setting up the distillery, distill product and allow it to age until it was ready to be sold. 

Ask any small distiller what the one thing they wish they had more of and the answer is probably going to be operating capital. A distillery is a huge investment, even after you’ve bought the equipment and gotten it up and running. Aged product takes time. Time where you are not making any money. Having another source of income allowed them to hire Steve Nally, formerly of Maker’s Mark, to come help them get running and as Mead says, “teach us how to make whiskey.” 

Launched in late 2012, Wyoming whiskey met with mixed reviews. Some folks gave it very high marks while others were not so happy with their bottle. When asked about the apparent discrepancy between batches, Mead was honest and told me that their quality control "may not have been the best early on." In an effort to combat this, they have recently hired a well regarded blender to help them out. With recent batches (batch 28 and on) having come under her supervision.  

Wyoming Whiskey, Batch 29. Purchased in Casper, WY at the Liquor Shed

As I was going to be through on a Sunday when the distillery was closed, I set up a tour with Distiller Samuel Mead. Photos follow.

Wyoming Whiskey, Kirby Wyoming. This is the tallest building in Kirby by a long shot.

There is a good reason why this is the tallest building in Kirby. They need it. This is a tall still.

The still is made by Vendome. It was made back when you could contact them and be reasonably sure of not being on an 18 month waiting list.

The back of the still features the cattle brand of the Mead family. I didn't think to ask what the TT stood for.

The still safe also features the brand. But I just put this picture in because I thought it was pretty.

If you look closely at the grain hoppers that feed into the cookers you'll notice that this is a wheated bourbon. 

This empty barrel is waiting to be filled.

Though the info is written on by hand, true to the cattle ranching roots, the barrel's logo is branded on.

When we entered an aging warehouse, I noticed this guy. Barrel number 1.

The last stop on the tour was the bottling line. Empty today as it was a Sunday. While there we got the opportunity to taste the tasty upcoming Cask-Strength Single Barrel release.

Wyoming Whiskey

Purchase Info: $34.99, 750 mL. The Liquor Shed, Casper, WY.

Details: 44% ABV. Batch 29. Bottled on July 31, 2015.

Nose: Caramel, custard and cola with just the barest hints of spice and oak underneath.

Mouth: A nice, but not overpowering, tingle. Sweet cola, vanilla and caramel. Herbal rosemary and mint. A nice biscuity flavor overall.

Finish: Gently warming and of ok length. Lingering herbal and cola flavors.

A smiley face because I like this.

Thoughts: This is certainly not your typical bourbon. And maybe that is why I am liking it so much. In a category that normally differs by degrees of sameness, this is a truly unique product. Wyoming Whisky may have had a rocky start, but if this is any indication of the direction they are headed under their new blender, they are now on the right track.

Because it is quite unique, I'd recommend trying one at a bar should you see it on the shelf. I like it a lot, but your milage may vary.

Want to know if Wyoming Whiskey is available in your state? Lucky for us they had this handy map in the stillhouse.

BourbonGuy.com accepts no advertising. It is solely supported by the sale of the hand-made products I sell at the BourbonGuy Gifts Etsy store. If you'd like to support BourbonGuy.com, visit BourbonGuyGifts.com. Thanks!

A less than tasty vacation souvenir: Yellowstone Bourbon

Last week I went on a family vacation to Wyoming and Colorado. My retired mother, despite being moved to tears at the sight of mountains, had never seen Yellowstone, the Grand Tetons or Rocky Mountain National Parks. Being the good son that I am I felt it was my duty to make sure she got there. 

My mother can be a bit of a recluse. She lives in an extremely small town and seldom leaves it. She is terrified of freeways, especially if there are other cars on them. And deviations from her comfort zone tend to make her more than a bit nervous. But for all of that, I knew she would love these parks. 

My wife is an amazing trip planner. She finds the most amazing ways to make vacations memorable. In this case, aside from the destinations, she invited my cousin and his family along. He lives in Wyoming and the rest of the family seldom gets to see him or his kids. My mother was thrilled.

One night, before bed, we were sitting on a porch at the Old Faithful Inn. I was chatting with my cousin about whiskey. He likes whiskey, but isn’t as adventurous as I am about spending money on new things, sticking mainly to Pendleton, his go to. He mentioned that he saw a Yellowstone whiskey in the gift shop for forty something dollars. Now the only Yellowstone whiskey I was aware of was sold by Luxco and was a bottom shelf dweller. So, being confused, I went to look at this $40 plus Yellowstone whiskey. 

It turns out that it was a local craft whiskey that said something like “Something special from Yellowstone” as its tagline. But right next to it was a bottle of the Luxco Yellowstone Bourbon. It was priced appropriately cheap at about $6 for a small bottle. Being impressed by my surroundings, I decided to buy the bottle to share with my cousin. If nothing else it was a good excuse to try something I would otherwise not have purchased. 

I took it back to the room and poured a glass for my cousin, my wife and myself. He took a sip and made an interesting face. I knew that face. It was the face of a man who, unexpectedly, had been given a mouthful of something he didn’t like, but was too polite to spit out. I smiled. I’d seen that face before. And I took a sip myself. I mean it couldn’t be that bad.

It was. I swallowed it, looked at him and asked: “dump this out?” He agreed and we both went off in search of something better. I decided that instead of immediately dumping out the rest of the bottle, I would (voluntarily) do tasting notes for it when I got home. So here I am, a week, three National Parks and four states later, keeping my promise.

Yellowstone is a bourbon sold by Luxco out of St. Louis. They make some good value brands that I like, a few premium brands that I like and a bunch of things I hope to never taste again. The brand is currently sourced bourbon, but they recently bought a share in the Limestone Branch distillery in order to produce it there. The folks at Limestone branch have family ties to the brand on both sides of their family. Back from when I assume it was something to be proud of. It’s not now, but who knows. Maybe in a few years time, it will be again.

Yellowstone Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey

Purchase info: $5.99, 200 mL bottle. Yellowstone General Stores, Yellowstone National Park

Details: Aged 36 months. 40% ABV.

Nose: Dried corn, mint, citrus, confectioners sugar

Mouth: Molasses and mint. Very grain forward. Thin mouthfeel. 

Finish: Hints of mildew, a medicinal ethanol, mint and cloves. 

A frowny face because I really dislike this.

Thoughts: This was paid for by the generous support of this blog’s patrons. And it was such a waste of that money! $5.99 for a 200 mL bottle was way too much. I wouldn’t even use this for mixing. In fact, right after I took the photo above, I finally dumped it out.

But here’s an interesting tidbit. Yesterday, I got a press release from Luxco stating that they were releasing a Yellowstone Limited Edition for $105. If they hope to sell any to someone who has bought Yellowstone in the past, they might want to do as Kirin did with Four Roses and buy back all the existing rotgut so no one buys it in confusion. Of course, if you confuse a $105 bourbon with a sub $20 one, you might deserve what you get. But still, it would be nice to know that this product has gone the way of the Yellowstone Wolves. Wiped out only to be reintroduced when they’ve learned better. 

BourbonGuy.com accepts no advertising. It is solely supported by the sale of the hand-made products I sell at the BourbonGuy Gifts Etsy store. If you'd like to support BourbonGuy.com, visit BourbonGuyGifts.com. Thanks!

My new favorite “Small Batch” bourbon

Last week I decided to try something. I’d read an article describing a recipe for peach infused bourbon. Having had a few peach and bourbon cocktails, I was excited to try it myself. I love making infusions, though as I have stated on more than one occasion, I like making them more than drinking them. I almost always end up dumping them out after about a year in the cupboard.

Being the geeky obsessive type, I decided that I really needed the right bourbon to infuse. It had to really capture the caramel and vanilla flavors as well as present a nice spiciness that could stand up to the peach.

I did a little looking through my notes and decided that Maker’s 46 would be darn near perfect…except I didn’t have any. So after thinking about it for a bit I decided to actually look at what I did have in the house. I’d decided that a nice soft wheater would probably be perfect. Looking at my selection of wheated bourbons I landed first on Larceny, but I wanted the proof to be somewhere in the 100 proof plus range (as higher proof alcohols will absorb the other flavors faster) and Larceny was only 92. Then I looked at Old Weller Antique. It had the proof, but was also a bit too hot for what I was thinking. 

I eventually decided that I was going to blend the two. This way, maybe I could have the best of both worlds. As I was standing there though, I had another thought. This year’s Evan Williams Single Barrel was pretty caramel and spice forward as well. And then I looked over at the Booker’s on the shelf. That batch, though strong, also presented those flavors well.

I was recently asked how I go about deciding what to put into a blend. This is a perfect example of how I go through the blending process. First I start with a goal. In this case I had a flavor profile in mind. Caramel forward with a nice spice. Then I go about finding those ingredients that will give me that flavor. Of course there is often some trial and error. I normally start with equal parts and move from there should the need arise. But in this case, everything just clicked right from the start at equal proportions. 

I really think this is the best blend I’ve made. And that includes the experiments I did with all the Four Roses Single barrels. But here is the best part: all of these bourbons are readily available in most parts of the country. 

Arok’s Small Batch - Mix of distilleries edition

Details: Equal parts of Larceny (Heaven Hill), Evan Williams Single Barrel 2006 vintage (Heaven Hill), Old Weller Antique (Buffalo Trace) and Booker’s Batch# 2013-6 (Beam). Approximate final ABV is 51.44%.

Nose: Initially the nose on this is very closed. It really benefits from some time in the glass. After sitting for a bit, there is a very strong caramel and vanilla presence. Subtle hints of fruit follow along with a nice almond scent. Overall this is the type of very sweet nose that I could sit and smell all day.

Mouth: Some nice heat. Strong caramel and vanilla presence again along with black pepper, almond, hints of cherry and some nice oak tannins.

Finish: Long, spicy finish with lingering black pepper and oak tannins. 

I’ve already stated my thoughts above. I think this is the best blend I’ve created to date and it is one that I will probably be coming back to on more than one occasion. But I’m guessing you are asking how it worked with the peaches…and to be fair, I really don’t know. It was too good to use in that way. So if you have the ingredients on hand I really recommend trying this. And if it isn’t quite right for you think about what will make it better and adjust it. See if you can’t dial in your new favorite small batch bourbon.

BourbonGuy.com accepts no advertising. It is solely supported by the sale of the hand-made products I sell at the BourbonGuy Gifts Etsy store. If you'd like to support BourbonGuy.com, visit BourbonGuyGifts.com. Thanks!

Evan Williams Single Barrel, 2006 Vintage

Evan Williams Single Barrel. One of the most inexpensive single barrel bourbons on the market. Because they are released as vintages, trying to hit a slightly different flavor profile each year, it is fair to say that I have liked some more than others. It is also fair to say that for the last three years I’ve been less happy than in the past. So much so that I gave both 2003 and 2004 a solid meh and never even bought the 2005 edition.

But I’m the eternal optimist and it really is hard to pass up at least one bottle each year at the prices it sells for in the Twin Cities market. So when I saw 2006 on the shelf for less than $20, I had to pick it up. 

Evan Williams Single Barrel Vintage, 2006

Purchase Info: $19.99, 750 mL bottle. Total Wine, Burnsville, MN

Details: 43.3% ABV. Barreled on May 12, 2006. Barrel # 275. Bottled on May 27, 2015

Nose: Caramel, vanilla and juicy fruit gum jump out at me at the first sniff. Under that are subtle hints of allspice, cloves and cayenne. 

Mouth: Syrupy mouthfeel. Sweet with earthy honey and a nice hint of oaky tannins. Mint, cloves and cayenne follow.

Finish: Decent length with a nice warmth that settles in the chest. Minty eucalyptis transistions to a nice tannic dryness to end it all.

A smile because I like this one.

Thoughts: As I stated above. I’m an eteranl optimist. Why else would I keep returning to a well that had seeminly run dry? This year, that optimism has paid off. I really like this one and am already working on my second bottle of it.

BourbonGuy.com accepts no advertising. It is solely supported by the sale of the hand-made products I sell at the BourbonGuy Gifts Etsy store. If you'd like to support BourbonGuy.com, visit BourbonGuyGifts.com. Thanks!

Blog about a blogger who's blogging whiskey: Brian Haara

While I am a history fan, I’m not someone who tends to do much original research. There are a lot of stories that I am interested in that have already been told. I haven’t gotten around to researching the ones that haven’t yet. But being a fan of history has led me to find some pretty interesting people. One of those people is Brian Haara of the blog Sipp’n Corn. 

Brian is one of those writers that, unlike me, is actually doing original research and telling stories about bourbon that seem to have been lost in the shuffle. The stories that Brian tells are told through the lens of historical lawsuits. It is amazing how many times the names we all know from bourbon labels sued one another and how often that helped change bourbon into the product we all love today. If you aren’t reading Sipp’n Corn, you should be. I, for one, am a huge fan.

So without further ado, Brian Haara.

Hey Brian, thanks for agreeing to be the third interview in this series. First things first: who are you, anyway?

First, thanks for including me as a part of your interview series! It’s an honor. 

As for me, when I’m not solving legal problems for clients (yes, I’m an attorney), I write about the law and lawlessness of Bourbon at Sipp’n Corn. I have bigger plans though; my goal all along has been to write a book! This is new territory for me, so I can’t say that I know exactly what I’m doing, but I’m enjoying every minute of it.

I live in Louisville, but I’m not a native Kentuckian. This month actually marks the point where I’ve lived an equal number of years in Michigan and Kentucky. I was born and raised in Michigan, in a small town right on Lake Michigan, where you learn to drive a boat before a car. I’ve lived in Kentucky since 1993 when I arrived here for law school. Now I’m a partner in a business litigation law firm in Louisville, where I like to think that we’re the type of firm that Col. E. H. Taylor, Jr. would have hired for his overabundance of litigation. 

We’ve spent some time together in real life, so I know you are a bourbon fan. How'd you get into it?

It’s hard to not be into Bourbon as a Kentuckian. It’s part of our culture, part of our pride in the Commonwealth, and certainly part of our economy. But I actually had to warm up to Bourbon. My initial experience with Bourbon was bottom-shelf rot gut, and I wasn’t a fan. After moving to Kentucky and starting law school in the early 90’s, Maker’s Mark was my introduction into good Bourbon, but we were all still on student budgets, so there was still plenty of swill. Once I had a paying job in 1996, Maker’s was a mainstay, and by the early 2000’s I was expanding my horizons and enjoying some remarkable Bourbon. Remember, this was a time (at least in Kentucky), when we could buy Van Winkle brands anywhere. My law firm even bought cases of custom-labeled Van Winkle as client gifts.

Then, in the last decade, my love of Bourbon really hit full stride, leading to today, where I collaborate with different retailers to help select private barrels, and where family, friends, and some clients treat me as their Bourbon resource. I’m not exactly sure how it happened.

You write about bourbon and its history at sippncorn.blogspot.com. What I find most interesting about Sipp’n Corn is that you tell that history through the lens of lawsuits. What's the history of Sipp’n Corn? Where did this idea come from? And how about that name? It’s one of the more poetic out there for a whiskey blog.

Thanks – it’s very perceptive of you to say that the name “Sipp’n Corn” is poetic, because its inspiration is indeed poetry. Kentucky attorney, poet and Civil War scholar William H. Townsend wrote “The Squire” in the 1950’s, dedicated to his friend J. Winston “Squire” Coleman, Jr., who displayed “real Bluegrass charm” at Winburn Farm, where the Squire would talk about Kentucky history as he and his guests “sip our corn.” The poem spoke to me, and the name “Sipp’n Corn” is a tribute to the Squire.

Much later, just over two years ago while I was researching some unrelated topic, I happened upon a case from 1881 where James E. Pepper had sued Labrot & Graham over Labrot & Graham’s continued use of the name “Old Oscar Pepper Distillery,” which had been owned by James’s father and grandfather, but which James lost in bankruptcy after Oscar died. The story played out better than fiction, and I was hooked.

So I looked for more cases, and I found that Bourbon law really tracks the development of the United States, from conquering the wild frontier, to rugged individualism, to the entrepreneurial spirit, to establishing a nation of laws. U.S. legal history was often developed around whiskey, covering so many substantive areas of the law, like trademark, breach of contract, fraud, governmental regulation and taxation, and consumer protection. American law basically developed along with the Bourbon industry, which both in turn track the evolution and growth of the United States. Whiskey, American law, and U.S. history are incredibly intertwined, and I was finding it all right in front of me in case reports from the 1800’s.

At the same time, I had become pretty jaded about Bourbon marketing stories and misrepresentations on labels. There’s plenty of incorrect and conflicting information out there about Bourbon history, and I realized that if a fact made it into a case, that meant it had been supported by actual evidence – documents, testimony, etc. – and that I found reliable history. I love reading old cases and finding tidbits (and sometimes more) that debunk current marketing stories.

You tell a lot of really interesting historical stories that many of us have never heard told before. Where do you find these stories? Do you spend your days prowling through old law libraries? 

Sometimes I wish that was the case, because I love old libraries, and I can picture myself with a stack of leather-bound books, and a green table lamp, as I sip my corn. In reality, I’ve learned where to look and I can do most of my research online. The exception is finding really old Kentucky court files, many of which are archived in Frankfort, Kentucky.

I’m always on the lookout for hidden old lawsuits, and I look forward to the day when I have the time to spend time combing through dusty archives.

Being a fan of history myself, I often notice that one can gain additional insights into modern events by viewing them through a historical lens. Knowing that you’ve done extensive research into bourbon history, what is going on in bourbon today that could stand to be viewed through the lens of history?

I couldn’t agree more. In many ways, we’ve come full circle, or at least we keep experiencing the same Bourbon issues over and over again. Today – particularly because of the Bourbon boom – we’re seeing a resurgence of gimmicky quick-aging attempts and claims. Making young whiskey (or neutral grain spirits) taste like mature Bourbon has been a goal of short-cutters since at least the 1800’s, and it was a major thorn in the side of people like Col. E. H. Taylor, Jr. Col. Taylor helped solve that problem with the Bottled in Bond Act of 1897, and then subsequent blows were dealt by the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 and the Taft Decision of 1909.

However, after the repeal of Prohibition, short-cutters added charred oak chips to barrels, agitated the distillate in barrels, and tried other ways to speed up aging to address the shortage caused by Prohibition. Now, some new producers are making the same sorts of claims about how they’ve found ways to make young Bourbon taste like it’s been aged for six or so years. Maybe they haven’t learned that it really does take time to create excellent Bourbon.

Established distillers are also responding to the Bourbon boom by increasing production. In fact, we’re now at an all-time high for production and aging barrels. While well-aged Bourbon might be harder to find now, I can’t help but think that this increased production will result in a glut. The industry has dealt with shortages and gluts before, so ten years from now, I’ll be very interested to see if the producers made the same mistakes as in past decades, resulting in bankruptcies and mass consolidation.

More generally, what's your take on the state of the bourbon industry right now? What would you like to see happen?

I lean more toward being a purist, so I’m concerned about trends that dilute Straight Bourbon Whiskey as a class. I’m not particularly concerned about non-distiller producers (NDPs) in general, but when they mislead consumers, I’m all for making them pay. NDPs are another set of people who ought to view what they’re doing through the lens of Bourbon history.

Certainly some NDPs have done it right, and some also happen to distill their own spirits too (I’m thinking, in particular, of Willett and Smooth Ambler). But other NDPs have misrepresented both their history and the provenance of their product, so I’ve recently drawn a bright line for myself that I won’t support the worst offenders through purchases.

In my opinion, the purest major brand now on the market is Four Roses. Four Roses only produces three brands (plus limited editions and a private barrel program), and each one is a Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey. No flavoring; no finishing; no gimmicky names; no fake history; no price-gouging; and no fear of transparency. I’d like to see Four Roses stay that way as Jim Rutledge retires and Brent Elliott takes the reins as Master Distiller, and I’d like to see other brands try to emulate this style, instead of succumbing to the temptation of “the next big money grab.”

Straight Bourbon Whiskey has made a comeback on its own merits, which is precisely how Col. Taylor promoted and protected it so fiercely. Brands that are eliminating age statements, adding flavoring, sacrificing quality in distillation, making up stories, or trying to artificially accelerate aging, are putting the entire Bourbon resurgence at risk. Straight Bourbon Whiskey is not about a quick hit or a quick buck.

Despite this sounding like a bit of doom and gloom, and despite missing my practically unlimited access to more reasonably-priced top-shelf Bourbon ten years ago, I’m ecstatic with the state of the Bourbon industry right now. The Bourbon boom has forced producers to bring their “A game,” resulting in some of the best limited edition Bourbons ever released. Even ten years ago, many honey barrels were blended into obscenely large batches, being lost forever in mediocrity. Now, with smaller batches and especially single barrel releases, more consumers have access to mythical honey barrels. 

While this has also resulted in the loss of age statements and arguably a decline in quality of large-batch brands, I’ll take that trade-off any day of the week for Four Roses Limited Editions (or even private barrels), Willett Family Estate Single Barrels, Booker’s 25th Anniversary, some of the Parker’s Heritage Collections and other Heaven Hill special releases, and Maker’s Mark Cask Strength. This is an unprecedented number of fantastic Bourbon releases, and they never would have seen the light of day without the Bourbon boom.

Hypothetical question: A new bourbon magazine comes calling and offers you a column. Would you be interested and what beat would you choose to cover?

I’d probably pass. I love my law practice and the flexibility it gives me to research and write on my own timeline. On the other hand, I can see freelance writing about Bourbon lawsuits, and hope that the popular press sees your interview and realizes the broad appeal that my subject-matter could have.

Better yet, if a publisher comes calling with a nice advance for my book, or if a studio wants help with a screenplay for an 1800’s Bourbon-themed period piece, that would make my day.

Plug time: where can people find you online and is there anything else you'd like to plug?

Your readers can check out http://sippncorn.blogspot.com/ to learn about Bourbon history through the lens of some incredibly interesting old lawsuits. Maybe your favorite brand doesn’t have the history you thought, or maybe you’ll find yourself rooting for the underdogs. I also publish Bourbon reviews ranging from $10 bottles to $300 bottles, and everything in between.

Your readers can also find me on Twitter, @sippncorn, where I focus more on current developments and news about Bourbon, new releases, current lawsuits, and sharing reviews from other bloggers. I stubbornly limit my tweets to whiskey-related topics, so you’ll never see political or social comments, which I prefer to keep to myself, or cat videos or Kardashian nonsense.

There are so many great whiskey bloggers and writers out there, far too many to list. Some take a caustic approach, others take a hilarious approach, some are super serious, and others tow the company line; I read them all. I’m not sure exactly how we all manage it, but there’s something for everyone.

I also read as many Bourbon books as I can get my hands on. The crop of new books has been great for the most part, but I also like finding older books at the discount retailers. This spring I read The Book of Classic American Whiskies, which although published in 1995, already qualifies as an older book because it predates the boom. Buffalo Trace was still Leestown Distilling Co., Four Roses was still Seagram’s, and the Old Oscar Pepper Distillery had just been repurchased by Brown-Forman and Woodford Reserve was about to launch. While this book contains some annoying errors, it paints a quaint picture of the Bourbon world, and reminds us of how much has changed in such a short time.

My favorite book of 2015 has been Bourbon Empire; The Past and Future of America’s Whiskey, by Reid Mitenbuler. It’s the sort of legal-political review of Bourbon history that I wish I could have written.

Thanks for your contributions, too, Eric. You have a knack for straight talk and balanced criticism when it’s due. I’ll also be on the lookout for future installments of your interview series! It’s great to have insights into the writers we all follow.

Aww, thanks Brian! I would like to thank Brian for taking the time to answer a few questions and encourage everyone to check out his site. 

BourbonGuy.com accepts no advertising. It is solely supported by the sale of the hand-made products I sell at the BourbonGuy Gifts Etsy store. If you'd like to support BourbonGuy.com, visit BourbonGuyGifts.com. Thanks!

Two Stars Bourbon

Here we have a bourbon that I have made fun of every time I walked though the bourbon section of Total Wine. I mean it’s hard not to. 

“Only two stars? Wow, don’t set your sights too high there.”

“Two stars? Wait, is this an actual honest bourbon label?”

“Two Stars. Because four stars costs too damn much and you wouldn’t appreciate them anyway.”

Stuff like that. But in my never ending quest to find bourbon diamonds in the rough, I finally decided to take the leap and buy it. Before I did though, I picked up the bottle and took a hard look at what I was buying. 

First off, it looks like the same bottle that Weller and Very Old Barton come in. I’ve seen other store brands made by Sazerac that use that same bottle so that was something. Second it is an 86 proof, straight bourbon with no age statement. So that means it is at least four years old. Seems ok so far.

Made by Clear Spring Distilling Co. in Louisville. I admit this through me for a loop at first, but a quick search lead me to this: Clear Springs Distilling Company???. And then the COLA. Yep, it seems that Clear Springs is an assumed business name that Sazerac uses to make house brands. 

The bourbon at least stood a shot of being ok, so I picked it up. Unlike normal, immediately upon returning home I opened it and took a sniff straight from the top of the bottle. I was really leery of this one for some reason, maybe it was the name. It smelled ok, so I splashed a little in a glass and took a sip…and was shocked at how not terrible it was.

Two Stars Handcrafted Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey

Purchase Info: $17.99, 750 mL. Total Wine, Burnsville, MN

Details: 43% ABV. Produced by at the Barton distillery by Sazerac.

Nose: Caramel, vanilla, cinnamon gum, mint.

Mouth: Starts with a nice spicy tingle that dances across my tongue. Cinnamon and cloves. Dry, with more than a touch of oak.

Finish: Lingering tingle in the mouth, dry with mint and oak.

a neutral face since I find this a bit meh.

Thoughts: Well, this certainly lives up to it’s name. I don’t care if Total Wine claims it is named for the municipal flag of Louisville, this seems to have been named with it’s mark of quality built in. It is not a four-star bourbon. It is however a very solid two-star. It works well as a mixer and can even function neat in a pinch. It’s not a bad price either at less than $20 for a 750 mL. 

Overall, keeping all that in mind, I’d recommend giving this one a shot. You might like it and if the worst that happens is that you are left with a bottle to use for making cocktails, that isn’t so bad either.

UPDATE: A previous version of this story incorrectly hypothesized that this bourbon might have been produced at Buffalo Trace. They have reached out to inform me that it is instead made at the company's Barton Distillery in Bardstown, KY. The story has been updated to reflect that change.

BourbonGuy.com accepts no advertising. It is solely supported by the sale of the hand-made products I sell at the BourbonGuy Gifts Etsy store. If you'd like to support BourbonGuy.com, visit BourbonGuyGifts.com. Thanks!

Book Review: Bourbon Curious by Fred Minnick

Disclaimer: I consider Fred Minnick to be a friend and in my statement of ethics I promised to disclose when I am reviewing one of my friend’s products and to only review them when it was truly something I really liked. This is one of those times.

This past February, when I first heard that my friend Fred Minnick was writing another book, I was excited. I preordered the book, knowing nothing about it. Didn’t know the topic, didn’t know the length, intended audience, anything. I preordered the book because I like Fred’s writing style and because I’ve enjoyed his other books immensely.

I ordered it, then I forgot about it. At least until I started seeing reviews pop up online. The reviews were good and so I was excited when it arrived in the Amazon box with a couple other books that I’d ordered. 

My first impression was that the publisher did a nice job on the book. I like hardcover books, but hate the hassle of dust jackets. This had no dust jacket. The cover art was printed on the cover. I opened it up and was immediately hit with the smell of the printed page. Wonderful. I was liking the book already and I hadn’t even started reading it yet.

I wasn’t let down once I did start reading it either. Though this is a book targeted less at the bourbon enthusiast and more at the bourbon novice, I still found a lot of interesting bits to the book. It starts with a breakdown of certain well known bourbon-industry myths. This leads you into a quick overview of bourbon history and politics, both the celebrated and the shameful. 

After we learn a bit about how bourbon as a concept came to be what it is today, we learn about how bourbon as a product comes about. There are two chapters about the ingredients and processes of making bourbon. 

To this point, the first hundred pages or so, the book will be as interesting to enthusiasts as it is to novices. After this though, if you are the type of bourbon geek who already takes notes and has a well developed palate the next hundred of the book may not be targeted at you. That isn’t to say you shouldn’t read it, but since it is more about how to train your palate, the tasting notes may not be up your alley. 

Before you pass this section by though, let me tell you this. The tasting notes are presented in an interesting manner. First they are broken up, not by company or brand but, by what flavor component the author felt was most dominant. After that, tasting notes for specific bourbons are presented along with details about the distillery and distiller that produced it, what the mashbill is, where those grains came from, barrel entry proof, how it was aged, the number of barrels used in a batch and even what filtration method was used. This is a set of geeky tasting notes and they are the part of this section I enjoyed the most. 

The last bit of the book is the appendix. As a history buff, this might be the section I will be referring back to most often. It is a short history of each of the major and many of the smaller bourbon brand names. It makes a wonderful finish to the book. 

A smile face because I really like this.

Throw in a few worksheets, the sidebars with fun tidbits and recipes, and the wonderful photographs and this is a book that is hard not to recommend to bourbon lovers of any experience level. It runs about 230 pages but is a quick and fun read. I finished my copy in about 4 hours or so. MSRP is $22.99, but I preordered mine on Amazon for a price of $11.24. Be sure to shop around.

BourbonGuy.com accepts no advertising. It is solely supported by the sale of the hand-made products I sell at the BourbonGuy Gifts Etsy store. If you'd like to support BourbonGuy.com, visit BourbonGuyGifts.com. Thanks!

New Riff's New Make from a Rye Mash

There was a time, not too long ago, that the Party Source in Bellevue, KY was a whiskey geek’s heaven. An online store that had practically everything and who would ship it right to your door. Unfortunately those days are over. A few years ago, Kentucky passed a law outlawing shipping by liquor stores and in the intervening years, the Party Source has started to come back down to earth. 

Don’t get me wrong, they are still a good liquor store, but unless you are going through Cincinnati, they are pretty far from your standard-fare bourbon tourism.

This however might be changing if you are a fan of touring craft distilleries. A few years ago, the owner of the Party Source seems to have gotten the bug to move from retailer to producer and built the New Riff distillery. Right in the Party Source parking lot. (If you are wondering about the three-tier system ramifications, he sold the Party Source to the employees, making it an Employee-Owned company.) He hired Larry Ebersold, former Master Distiller at (the distillery now known as) MGPi as a consultant and got down to business. So now, you can go on a distillery tour and get some shopping done all in the same trip. 

And given the intertwined history of these two companies, it’s not too surprising to find that New Riff New Make is available at the Party Source. The only surprise is the price. Craft distillers often need to charge aged whiskey prices for unaged whiskey just to keep the lights on. In this case the 375 mL bottle I bought was only $15. Not too bad at all. The only question remaining is if it is any good.

New Riff New Make distilled from a Rye Mash

Purchase Info: $14.99, 375 mL bottle. The Party Source, Bellevue, KY

Details: 45% ABV. Distilled from a Rye mash. Positioned as a vodka alternative on the neck hanger. 

Nose: Buttery. Hard butterscotch candies. Faint mint underneath.

Mouth: White sugar sweetness. Buttery toffee, grapefruit pith and mint.

Finish: Not hot but it has some lingering ethanol flavors. Mint, dill and bitter grapefruit are there too.

a neutral face since I find this kinda meh.

Thoughts: I certainly wouldn’t sit down to a glass of this served neat, but then again I wouldn’t do that with a glass of vodka either. I’m going to guess that neat is not the way this was intended to be consumed. And as such, I’m looking forward to making cocktails with it. So much so, that I moved it out of the whiskey room and into my cocktail-making cabinet.

Overall not a bad product as is, and I am certainly going to want to grab a bottle when it has spent it’s four years in wood. For now though, unless you like new make (or are just curious like I was) I'd give this a pass. I am impressed enough with it though, that next time I’m through Cincinnati, I hope to grab a tour on my way to do a little shopping.

BourbonGuy.com accepts no advertising. It is solely supported by the sale of the hand-made products I sell at the BourbonGuy Gifts Etsy store. If you'd like to support BourbonGuy.com, visit BourbonGuyGifts.com. Thanks!